Environmental / OH&S / QA Services

Headed by Peter Englert.

Peter has 30 years of experience as process engineer, SH&EQ and risk management and in Chemicals, Waste Water, Fuels, Manufacturing, Industrials etc industries.

KBM Australia is assisting organizations by implementing management measurements systems, based around Standards, such as

  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems,
  • AS/NZS 4801 – Occupational Health & Safety,
  • AS/NZS 31000 – Risk Management and
  • AS/NZS 3598 – Energy Audits.

KBM Australia provides services covering

  • Business Process Re-engineering,
  • Energy and Efficiency Improvements,
  • Legal Compliance Management,
  • Detailed Audits
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Major Hazard Facility Reporting
  • Environmental, Occupational Health and Quality Management System Implementation
  • Compliance Audits
  • Plant and Business Changes to reduce your carbon footprint  and tax liabilities
  • and projects as required.

Energy efficiency is a critical way  to waste less energy, reduce our demand on energy resources and lower our greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing the amount of energy, we use, is widely believed to be the quickest, simplest and most cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Get ready for the changes – contact us today.

KBM covers a wide range of environmental services dealing with:

  • Environmental impact assessment and mitigation

KBM is involved in Environmental Impact Assessment of all types of projects and major activities, having contributed especially to the Environmental Mitigation of the major Spanish engineering projects of the past decades.

KBM offers the following services:

  • Environmental impact assessments.
  • Environmental mitigation projects.
  • Environmental solutions design and analysis.
  • Environmental site management.
  • Environmental monitoring.
  • Environmental supervision of projects and works.
  • Environmental permit management.
  • Other environmental reports.
  • Environmental assistance in ongoing activities.

KBM manages the processing of all types of environmental permits, providing assessment for projects and activities throughout their life cycle. Moreover, the company is fully committed to the most efficient and sustainable designs.

  • Landscaping and soil bioengineering

KBM provides environmentally-friendly solutions to new infrastructures and developments, specialising in projects requiring a professional landscaping perspective.

Likewise, KBM designs and advices on soil bioengineering techniques to solve momentary problems in sensitive areas such as river beds, coasts, slopes, fauna passages and ecological corridors.

This careful planning results in high-level environmental integration, while guaranteeing overall functionality.

  • Noise and vibrations

Transport infrastructures are intrinsically related to the generation of noise and vibration, which causes a negative impact on people's quality of life.

KBM's team brings together their specialised knowledge in acoustics and their vast experience in the management of transport infrastructure projects, thus enabling them to design the best possible solutions fulfilling functional needs while caring for the general comfortability of the citizens:

  • Noise and vibration modelling and assessment.
  • Noise strategic maps.
  • Noise reduction plans.
  • Acoustics and vibration mitigation projects.
  • Noise barrier design.
  • Design of vibration isolation measures.
  • Site management.
  • Vibration and acoustic monitoring.

In the industrial arena, KBM also offers services related to noise and vibration control by designing corrective and preventive measures that guarantee regulatory compliance.

  • Biodiversity and infrastructures

KBM conducts studies and applies techniques that result in the compatibility between infrastructural development and biodiversity conservation.

Furthermore, KBM is developing new systems and pioneering designs to significantly improve the integration of engineering works in the ecosystem.
Along this line, KBM is developing a series of R&D projects that will provide improvements and new solutions in this area.

  • Waste and contaminated soil

KBM provides services covering research, project drafting (design, demolition, recovery and restoration...), management plans, works management and other support and assessment services in the following fields:

  • Contaminated soil.
  • Brownfields.
  • Industrial ruins.
  • Waste.
  • Industry.


  • Geographic Information Systems

KBM has an expert GIS team including computer specialists, engineers, environmentalists and draughtsmen who develop GIS applications that are fully adapted to their clients' requirements:

  • Generation of information layers:
    • Inventories and field sampling (soil and water quality, vegetation and wildlife mapping, acoustic levels, etc).
    • Modelling (noise, flooding, wildlife permeability, land classification, landscape impact, etc).
  • Development of software applications to model complex environmental factors (environmental risks, impacts, etc).
  • Design of corporate map viewers.
Get ready for the changes – contact us today.